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pain, burning or stinging when you urinate
needing to urinate often and urgently but only passing small amounts of urine
urine that's dark, cloudy or strong smelling
traces of blood in your urine
pain low in your belly (directly above the pubic bone), or in the lower back or abdomen
feeling unwell, weak or feverish
passing looser or more frequent stools than is normal for you
- stomach cramps
- nausea and vomiting
- headache
- loss of appetite
a sharp, dull or burning ear pain that comes and goes or is constant
One or both ears may be affected.
high temperature
over 37.5C (99.5F) is a fever
frequent sneezing
runny or blocked nose
itchy, red or watery eyes (also known as allergic conjunctivitis)
an itchy throat, mouth, nose and ears
cough, caused by postnasal drip (mucus dripping down the throat from the back of the nose)
In some cases, a rash may appear on the back of the neck. This is caused by a reaction to lice droppings
feeling uncomfortably full or heavy
belching or flatulence (passing wind)
bringing food or fluid back up from your stomach (reflux)
feeling sick (nausea)

Red, swollen, itchy lump(s) that may or may not be fluid filled.
Cuts and grazes are a common type of injury and in most cases do not pose a threat to health
Symptoms of a burn may include:
red skin
peeling skin
white or charred skin
Mouth ulcers are painful round or oval sores that form in the mouth, most often on the inside of the cheeks or lips.
swollen tonsils (tonsillitis)
enlarged and tender glands in your neck
discomfort when swallowing
pain around the affected joint
being unable to use the joint normally or being unable to put weight on it
sore gum
red where the tooth is coming through
one cheek is flushed
dribble, gnaw and chew a lot
loss of appetite
weight loss
skin infection around the anus, if bacteria enter any scratches caused by itching (wearing cotton gloves while sleeping may help prevent this)
difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep
itching and soreness around the entrance of the vagina
pain during sex
a stinging sensation when you urinate
vaginal discharge, although this isn't always present; the discharge is usually odourless and it can be thin and watery, or thick and white like cottage cheese
Verrucas usually develop on the soles of the feet. The affected area of skin will:
be white, often with a black dot (blood vessel) in the centre
be flat rather than raised
sometimes be painful if they are on a weight-bearing part of the foot
be round or oval-shaped
be firm and raised
have a rough, irregular surface similar to a cauliflower
often develop on the knuckles, fingers and knees
vary in size, from less than 1mm to more than 10mm (1cm) in diameter
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